Iran Weathers Another Set of Sanctions
By: Meir Javedanfar
The Iranian government has managed to weather another set of sanction from the UN. This is despite Ahmadinejad’s speech at the UN General Assembly, which was anti Western and anti- semitic.
This is quite an accomplishment for Ahmadinejad and the right wingers in Iran. They can now say that talking tough has worked, and the world is at a loss as to how to deal with Iran. That the international community no longer has the patience or the strength to deal with them.
Therefore it is difficult to understand why Gholamreza Aghazadeh, the head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has canceled his trip to the annual IAEA meeting in Vienna. It is believed that he did it as a protest. I think there could be another reason. He stayed at home to celebrate Iran’s recent diplomatic accomplishment.
For now, there is no international community to speak of, when it comes to dealing with Iran’s nuclear program. It is now up to the EU and US. Still, all is not lost. There are part of Ahmadinejad’s government which they can hurt with sanctions, badly.

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