Meir Javedanfar – upcoming North America lecture tour
Every two years, I spend two weeks touring Canada and the US as part of a speaking tour.
This year I will be available for lectures in North America during the following two weeks:
- The Week beginning 20th of April and
- The Week beginning 27th of April.
Lecture topics will include:
– Iran’s nuclear program: towards a solution or a crisis?
– Iran and Hezbollah in Syria: is another war between Israel and Hezbollah inevitable?
– What is life in Iran like for the average Iranian citizen? What are the socio-economic challenges which the people of Iran face?
– How is Iran viewed by Israeli society ?
Please let me know if you know of Universities / Synagogues / Think Tanks / Communal organizations who may be interested in a lecture regarding the aforementioned topics, or other Iran – Israel related topics which maybe of interest.
My biography can be found here.
My personal email is: [email protected]

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