Upcoming lectures in Boston College and Yale University on Iran and Israel
Boston College, Tuesday 15th of October
The title of the lecture will be: “Iran and Israel: moving towards a cold peace?“
With Iran and Hezbollah busy in Lebanon, they pose a lesser threat towards the state of Israel. And Hamas is no longer in Iran’s camp the same way as it was before the Syrian uprising.
With the nuclear negotiations with Iran approaching, chances of a military attack by Israel against Iran are decreasing to new lows. We also see Rouhani taking steps to reduce tensions with the state of Israel.
Meanwhile the biggest source of animosity in the region is the Sunni / Shiite conflict, currently being played out in full in Syria.
So the question is: despite the tough talk in both countries, are Israel and Iran finding themselves inadvertently moving towards a cold peace?
I will be addressing this scenario in my lecture. If you are in Boston, the details can be found below. It would be great to see you.
Date: October 15th, 2013
Time: 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Address: Fulton Hall 230, Boston College (Directions)
RSVP to : [email protected]
Yale University, Monday 14th of October:
Yale Friends of Israel and the Yale International Relations Association are excited to invite you to a special talk this Monday
Meir Javedanfar: “Can a Nuclear Iran be allowed? Or trusted?” Perspectives from the U.S., Israel, and the rest of the world.
Monday, October 14th, 6:00pm. Calhoun Fellows Lounge.

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