War of Words Between Iran and Israel
On this Quds day, it is worth noting that the Iranian regime is no longer content with denial of the holocaust and threats of elimination. Some senior members, such as the head of the million strong Baseej organization are now openly threatening Israelis with ethnic cleansing:
Yesterday, General Naghdi (pictured right) stated:
“We recommend to the Zionists to pack their furniture and return to their countries. And if they really insist on staying, they should know that a time will come that they will not even have time to pack their suitcases.”
This is in addition to pro – Iranian government journalists such as the London based Mahan Abedin whose publication on previous occasions has been in touch with Iranian Intelligence, warning that Iran could soon start “to strike back” against Israel. According to him, this would be in retaliation for Israel’s attacks against Iranian scientists. Abedin states, such an attack “is only a matter of time”.
The war of words from Tehran continues, with more fire added every year. The chances of reduction in tensions between the two sides has never looked dimmer.

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