Assassinations in Tehran
12:40 – This brings the tally of assassinated scientists to 3. Ali Mohammadi in January 2010, and now two more. If Dr Hosseinpour who died from a gas leak in his house was really assassinated, then the tally reaches 4 (that we know of).
12 pm : So far, the Green movement’s representatives abroad have not claimed any connections with the assassinated scientists.
Update 10:20 am London Time– Asr Iran news site as well as some other websites are saying that the two were Physics professors. No mention is made about being connected to the nuclear program.
It has been reported they were assassination attempts against two scientists in Tehran this morning.
In terms of who they are, I have done some research from Iranian news sources.
The most detailed account has been produced by Raja News. This is a pro – Ahmadinejad web site.
According to the article:
– Both victims, Dr Majid Shahriari and Fereydoon Abbasi were distinguished members of school of Nuclear Engineering at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. They were both lecturers as well.
– They were members of the board at the Iranian Nuclear Association, which operates under the supervision of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI).
– Dr Abbas Dovani also taught at Imam Hussein University.
– Both men had close connections with Research and Development centers of the Ministry of Defense.
– One week ago Iran had declared that it had made a breakthrough in the area of calculation of Neutrons as part of a Doctoral PhD thesis published in Amir Kabir University. Dr Shahriari had supervised the thesis. Apparently the main goal of this research was to allow Iran to build the next generation of reactors, which would have allowed the country to join international projects in this field.
– Another byproduct of the reactor would be to turn nuclear waste into medical products.
– The article states that Dr Shahriari belongs to a group of Iranian nuclear scientists who the UN has placed in its sanctions list.
In my opinion, we can not and must not rule the possibility that they were assassinated by the regime, due to their political views. This is a possibility which can not be ignored.
This page will be updated throughout today.

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