Three articles and a birthday message for President Ahmadinejad
The first Wikileaks report was a gift for Iran. Iran’s leaders were hoping that the latest would be as well. It didn’t exactly turn out that way. To find out why, and to know about a new deal being discussed in some western capitals with regards to Iran’s existing stock pile of Low Enriched Uranium, read article 1.
Article 2 looks at the recent report about Chinese companies breaking UN sanctions by selling equipment to Iran’s nuclear and missile program and the dangers this poses to Chinese interests and to the world, read article 2.
I wrote article 3 in Farsi, on the 30th anniversary of the Iran – Iraq war. It looks at Israel’s dealings with Iran during the war, and how the Islamic Republic’s anti-Israeli ideology has made any rapprochement between the two sides impossible since the Iran Contra scandal.
Last but not least, today is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s birthday. He was born on this day in the village of Aradan, in 1956. I wish president Ahmadinejad whatever the people of Iran wish him (no comment).
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
The birthday song

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