tribal strategy – Meir Javedanfar Analysis of the Middle East with special focus on Iran Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:13:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Saddam’s Tribal Strategy Thu, 30 Oct 2008 12:09:44 +0000 By: Meir Javedanfar


One of the most difficult post invasion tasks in Iraq for the US was formation of alliances. This was part of winning the peace strategy, which Washington wanted to implement.

However what it encountered was totally unexpected. Instead of siding with the US, many openly turned against it. This did not only include Sunnis. Even some Shiites, who were liberated from Saddam’s oppression turned their guns against American soldiers.

At that point, many strategists asked: how did Saddam do it? How did he hold a country of such diverse interests and religious beliefs together for so long?

On 28th of October, Aljazeera English ran a two part program, called “People & Power – Saddam’s tribal strategy”. It provides some useful answers.

Part 1

Part 2
